TSO Number | TSO Holder Name | TSO Title | Part Model Number/Name | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman systems | litton inertial navigation sys | 454019-01, | RFQ |
tso-c5d | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-81-01 remote magnetic comp | 461985-03, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91 iru | 461800-01-01-101, 461800-02-01-101, 461800-02-01-102, 461800-02-01-110, 461800-02-01-115, 461800-02-07-126, 461800-02-07-115, | RFQ |
tso-c175 | norduyn inc. | container | nnal601f, nnal601j, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-76 inu | 454797-03, | RFQ |
tso-c34d | narco avionics corp. | ne 800, ns 801, | RFQ | |
tso-c145c | navworx incorporated | uat ads-b | model ads600-b, p/n 200-0112-[]-[], | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-51 inertial navigation uni | 663450-09, 663450-07, 663450-08-xx, 663450-10, 663450-11, 663450-12, 663450-12-xx, 663450-14, 663450-08, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90-100 triple msu | 465330-01, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-81-01 attitude heading and | 460800-01-01, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-58 inertial sensor unit (i | 451985-04-xx, 451985-04, | RFQ |
tso-c90a | nordisk aluminum a/s | ua-115169, ua-115180-1, ua-115180, ua-115169-4, ua-115169-3, ua-115169-2, ua-115169-1, -5, -5h, ua-115013, ua-114960, ua-115328, ua-118040-m, ua 115607, -1, ua-115180-2, -5, ua-118404-a, -b, -m, ua-115324,-2, ua-118040-b, ua-118040-a, ua-118 320, ua-115633, ua-118848, ua-117658, ua-115516, ua-115789 | RFQ | |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72rl inu | 460500-03-xx, 460500-01-xx, 460500-01-xx-xxx, 460500-02-xx, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90-100 irmp | 461320-01-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-101 global navigation air | 465020-0301-0302, 465020-0302-0303, 465020-0303-0500, 465020-0302-0305, 465020-0303-0307, 465020-0303-0308, 465020-0303-0309, 465020-0303-0310, 465020-0303-0312, 465020-0303-0501, 465020-03030313, 465020-03030314, 465020-0302-0304, 465020-0303-0311, | RFQ |
tso-c38d | nec | 1(x)-1(x)90, | RFQ | |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90-100 iru | 461800-01-101, 461800-04-08-116, 461800-0200-2201, 461800-0208-1606, 461800-0300-2201, 461800-0300-2202, 461800-02-122, 461800-0200-2202, 461800-04-122, 461800-0408-1606, 461800-03-122, 461800-02-111, 461800-02-04-105, 461800-02-04-120, 461800-02-04-125, 461800-02-102, 461800-02-08-116, | RFQ |
tso-c145c | navworx incorporated | uat ads-b with arinc 429 inter | model ads600-b, p/n 200-0113-[]-[], | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90 inertial sensor display | 461640-08-03, 461640-07-03, 461640-04-01, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-81-01 remote magnetic comp | 461985-03, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-97litton heading and attit | 465821-03-02, 465821-03-01, 465821-02-02, 465821-02-01, | RFQ |
tso-c88a | narco avionics aerospace | ar-850, | RFQ | |
tso-c145c | navworx incorporated | ads-b uat receiver with gps | model ads600-b, p/n 200-0110-[]-[], | RFQ |
tso-c74a | narco avionics aerospace | at6-a, | RFQ | |
tso-c36c | narco avionics corp. | oc-110, nav 121( ), voa 821, voa 822, rnav 161, nav 122( ), mk-12d 03118-317/-319, id825, id824, 824, nav 124( ), id124( ), | RFQ | |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-101 dual msu | 465630-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-58 / ltn-72 align display | 456660-02, 456660-02-01, 456660-02-02, | RFQ |
tso-c90c | nordisk aviation products | 127860-1( ), 510150-2( ), 510150-4( ), | RFQ | |
tso-c40b | narco avionics corp. | ne 800, mk-12d id824/825, voa 822, mk12d 03118/-317/-318/-319/-320, ns 801, voa 821, | RFQ | |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-96-100 light emiting diode | 458900-03-05, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72 inu | 452080-04, 452080-04-xx, 452080-05, 452080-05-xx, | RFQ |
tso-c5d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90 msu | 460630-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72 msu | 452100-01, 452100-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90-100 iru | 461800-01-101, 461800-0208-1606, 461800-0200-2201, 461800-0408-1606, 461800-02-122, 461800-02-04-120, 461800-02-04-125, 461800-02-08-116, 461800-02-102, 461800-02-111, 461800-0200-2202, 461800-03-122, 461800-0300-2201, 461800-0300-2202, 461800-04-08-116, 461800-04-122, 461800-02-04-105, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72rl inu | 460500-01-xx, 460500-01-xx-xxx, 460500-02-xx, 460500-03-xx, | RFQ |
tso-c50c | nat seattle, inc. | area microphone preamplifier | 265-[ ], | RFQ |
tso-c91a | narco avionics aerospace | elt 910, | RFQ | |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman systems | litton inertial reference syst | 460516-01, 460516-13, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90 inertial sensor display | 461640-07-03, 461640-08-03, 461640-04-01, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91/90-100 msu | 461630-02, 463884-01, | RFQ |
tso-c149 | new hampshire ball bearin | radial metric series | r-100zzrda5p58lg68, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72rl inu | 460500-01-xx, 460500-02-xx, 460500-03-xx, 460500-01-xx-xxx, | RFQ |
tso-c88 | narco avionics aerospace | ar-500, | RFQ | |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72 align control display u | 460600-01, | RFQ |
tso-c139 | northern airborne technol | (xxx), model amu50, (xxx), model acp5(x), (001), model rm01, (001), model amu50, (xxx), model rm01, (001), model acp53, | RFQ | |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-101 global navigation iner | 465020-0400-0601, 465020-0400-0603, 465020-0400-0602, 465020-0400-0400, 465020-0400-0401, 465020-0400-0600, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91/90-100 msu | 463884-01, 461630-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman systems | litton system ltn-90 inertial | 461650- ( ), | RFQ |
tso-c175 | norduyn inc. | half-size aircraft waste troll | p/n n90-122-10, | RFQ |
tso-c5d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90-100 irmp | 461320-01-02, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-72rl & 92 cdu | 458900-09-01, 458900-08-02, 458900-08-01, 458900-07, 458900-06-01, 458900-04, 458900-03-03, 458900-03, 458900-02, 458900-01, 458900-09-02, | RFQ |
tso-c36e | narco avionics corp. | indicator | ni209 vor/loc/gs, | RFQ |
tso-c129a | northrop grumman, litton | gps global positioning system | model ltn-2012, p/n 465880-01000101, | RFQ |
tso-c40c | narco avionics corp. | 03126-0302 adf 140, narco star *nav ns9000, | RFQ | |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90 inertial reference unit | 461600-06-03, 461600-07-06, 461600-07-07, 461600-07-08, 461600-0700-0801, 461600-08-08, 461600-0800-0801, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-90 msu | 460630-02, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | narco avionics corp. | hsi 100( ), | RFQ | |
tso-c34a | narco avionics corp. | ugr-1a, | RFQ | |
tso-c60b | northstar technologies (c | 221x m2, 2001-xx-xx m2, 2035-xx m2, | RFQ | |
tso-c35d | northern airborne technol | stereo audio panel with marker | ams50-(xxx) ecr 2246, | RFQ |
tso-c139 | noise reduction technolog | acoustic noise cancelling head | model 327070-( ), | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-81-01 attitude heading and | 460800-01-01, | RFQ |
tso-c36 | narco avionics corp. | nav 112, nav 111, nav 110, dgo 10 gyro, voa-3a, vsc-2, vsrp-1, nav 114, dgo 10 conv, | RFQ | |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-51 mode select unit (msu) | 663570-03, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-58 msu | 451190-02, 451190-03, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-58 / ltn-72 align display | 456660-02, 456660-02-01, 456660-02-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91/90-100 isdu | 463600-01-01, | RFQ |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-96-100 inu | 461800-02-02-107, 461800-02-02-104, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-97 fiber optics gyro (fog) | 142830-2000, | RFQ |
tso-c50c | northern airborne technol | cabin pa system | model aa-21-4(xx), aa20-431, aa21-4xx, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-96 iru | 461800-02-106, | RFQ |
tso-c5e | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-101 global navigation iner | 465020-0400-0400, 465020-0400-0401, 465020-0400-0600, 465020-0400-0601, 465020-0400-0602, 465020-0400-0603, | RFQ |
tso-c4c | northrop grumman, litton | ltr-81-01 compass controller u | 461995-02, 461995-03, | RFQ |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91 iru | 461800-01-01-101, 461800-02-01-101, 461800-02-01-102, 461800-02-01-115, 461800-02-07-115, 461800-02-07-126, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-91/90-100 msu | 461630-02, 463884-01, | RFQ |
tso-c88a | northrop grumman systems | litton aero products ltn-101 a | 465000-03, | RFQ |
tso-c40c | narco avionics corp. | indicator | ni209 vor/loc/gs, | RFQ |
tso-c36d | narco avionics corp. | ns 801, | RFQ | |
tso-c6d | northrop grumman systems | litton aero products ltr-97 li | 465821-02-01- lhas, 465821-02-02 lhas, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-96-100 msu | 452100-02-02, | RFQ |
tso-c6c | northrop grumman systems | litton inertial navigation sys | 460502-03, | RFQ |
tso-c52a | northrop grumman componen | cdi-5160-( ), 520-5160-( )( )( ), | RFQ | |
tso-c5c | northrop grumman, litton | ltn-76 inu | 454797-03, | RFQ |
tso-c154c | navworx incorporated | uat ads-b | model ads600-b, p/n 200-0112-[]-[], | RFQ |
tso-c154c | navworx incorporated | ads-b uat receiver with gps an | model ads600-b, p/n 200-0111-[]-[], | RFQ |
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